Objective of the Party

  • The party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India. The party is committed to the task of building a developed democratic India based on principle of equal opportunity to all the citizens. 
  • The Party will lay special emphasis on improving the condition of socially and economically disadvantaged section of society in order to build an India based on lofty objectives of our freedom struggle and Gandhian Principles.
  • The Party will Endeavour to campaign against evil influence of money power and muscle power vitiating the democratic politics.
  • The party will pursue a policy of social and economic justice and development. It believes in Gandhian concept of decentralisation of power so that the fruits of development could be made available to all the citizens. It also believes in peaceful and democratic forms of expression of dissent.
  • The Party is firmly committed to secularism and is against the concept of a theocratic state.
  • The Party will achieve its objectives through peaceful and democratic forms of campaigns like meetings, seminars, conferences and rallies. It will also raise the contemporary issues affecting common citizens during election campaigns.
  • The Party declares that it will contest the elections conducted by the Election Commission of India, within five years of its registration and thereafter will continue to contest. The party further declares that if the party does not contest elections continuously for six years the party will be taken off from the list of registered parties.
  • The Party declares that it will not in any manner promote or instigate or participate in violence.